The OctoSonarX2 is an expanded version of the popular OctoSonar, which allows you to drive 16 inexpensive HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors from the I2C bus and
random vibrations and clatterings
The OctoSonarX2 is an expanded version of the popular OctoSonar, which allows you to drive 16 inexpensive HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors from the I2C bus and
The OctoSonar 2.1 is an improved version of the popular OctoSonar, which allows you to drive 8 inexpensive HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors from the I2C bus
I have published a python module to support my Bourns ACE-128 modules on the Raspberry Pi. The functionality of the Arduino library has been mapped
Update: Tindie have added the “shortlinks” on the product list page in the store. Tindie is an online store where electronics hobbyists sell their
What is it? From the datasheet “Until now, the choice of an absolute encoder meant an expensive, and larger sized product. Through the use of