GoPro Camera Case Organizers
I’ve taken up 3D printing with the intention of making and selling my ideas. I’m fascinated by the process of making things efficiently and 3D
random vibrations and clatterings
I’ve taken up 3D printing with the intention of making and selling my ideas. I’m fascinated by the process of making things efficiently and 3D
My method for setting lathe tool offsets in LinuxCNC uses an electronic edge finder designed for the mill. This has an accurate 0.2″ cylinder on
I’ve run up a short video sharing my thoughts on the Lathe Mill Combo format of machine tools. The short version is: if you are
These Octosonar modules interface with Arduino and support up to 8 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors on the I2C bus plus one hardware interrupt pin. I’ve made
The Bourns ACE-128 Absolute Contacting Encoder is a mechanical knob providing an 8-bit gray code output with 128 unique values per rotation. When I first