Octosonar Manufacture
These Octosonar modules interface with Arduino and support up to 8 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors on the I2C bus plus one hardware interrupt pin. I’ve made
random vibrations and clatterings
These Octosonar modules interface with Arduino and support up to 8 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors on the I2C bus plus one hardware interrupt pin. I’ve made
The Bourns ACE-128 Absolute Contacting Encoder is a mechanical knob providing an 8-bit gray code output with 128 unique values per rotation. When I first
The OctoSonarX2 is an expanded version of the popular OctoSonar, which allows you to drive 16 inexpensive HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors from the I2C bus and
The OctoSonar 2.1 is an improved version of the popular OctoSonar, which allows you to drive 8 inexpensive HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors from the I2C bus
I have published a python module to support my Bourns ACE-128 modules on the Raspberry Pi. The functionality of the Arduino library has been mapped